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Bishop  Designate Princess Dobbins

International First Lady

Princess Dobbins was born in Detroit, Michigan and attended the Detroit Public School system. After graduating from high school, she went on to become a very successful Entrepreneur in the City of Detroit {and other major cities}, partnering with her husband, Bishop Dwight Dobbins. While God has been good to her in the business realm, she realizes that God also blesses a prepared person. Therefore, she is also pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education at Oakland University {where she received her Associates’}. Together, Princess and Dwight now serve as pastors of New Way Ministries International, located in Farmington Hills, MI. Affectionately known as ‘Pastor P’ she is the Founder and Chief Administrator of ‘Princesses of the King Women’s Ministry’. This is a women’s ministry God birthed into Princess that is helping all ages of women to regain self-confidence and realize who they are in God! This women’s ministry has ministered in the state of Michigan to include women shelters, prisons, and even Detroit Public Schools.

During Holy Convocation 2023, Bishop Dobbins appointed Pastor Princess as Bishop Designate to be consecrated in 2024.  She will be the First-Female Bishop Consecration within the UCODA organization as history is been made.


Bishop Designate is a well-known teacher and speaker in the Body of Christ and a much sought-after business consultant within the City of Detroit. She has proven to be a good steward over what God has endowed her with and loves teaching others how to do the same. Princess is a true worshipper and serves as  Pastor at New Way Christian Centers alongside her husband.  Affectionately known as ‘Pastor P.,’ she is also the loving mother of three children: Dwight Jr., Princess, and Prince. Even though God has blessed her and Bishop D with three children, they find they have many more children in the Body of Christ. Serving God at a young age, Princess has been in leadership for over 25 years. She has set her life to serving the Lord with all of her heart. And, she is steadfast in the Word of the Lord, whereas she declares “Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

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Bishop Dwight R. Dobbins, Sr. 

Presiding Bishop 

is a native of Detroit, Michigan and serves as the Founding Pastor and Bishop of New Way Christian Center. He is equipped with over 25 years of ministry and leadership experience. He has an incredible passion for God’s word coupled with an unfathomable love for God’s people.

Bishop Dobbins is profoundly known for his generosity, as he is a cheerful giver who gladly opens his heart and hands to provide for the needs of the congregation and community. Through compassionate giving, his ministry has considerably impacted lives, changed the minds of non- believers, and activated increased faith in individuals who were on the verge of giving up.


Bishop Dobbins walks in the Five-Fold Ministry gifts. Breakthroughs happen frequently at New Way because Bishop Dobbins petitions God through prayer, fasting, and thanksgiving. His supernatural dedication to the ministry has been recognized and admired by members, followers, community leaders, sponsors, and key stakeholders.


Additionally, he is a thriving business entrepreneur and owner of several corporations, all of which provide employment opportunities to a diverse group of skilled employees. Bishop Dobbins equips the saints with increased knowledge about Jesus and the Kingdom during his sermons where the Holy Spirit is always present. He is empowered to build up the body of believers to be mature in their faith with sound doctrine.


Bishop Dobbins was consecrated to the episcopacy on Saturday, March 27, 2021, in Detroit Michigan by his Apostolic Father the late Bishop James Edward Wiley, Jr. He was named the diocesan of Michigan and appointed the second presiding bishop. During Holy Convocation 2022 Bishop Wiley appointed him the first presider and his successor. After the untimely transitioned of Bishop Wiley, Bishop Dobbins was enthroned as Presiding Prelate during Holy Convocation 2023.


Bishop Dobbins has been happily married to Pastor Princess Dobbins for over 27 years and they are the proud parents to three beautiful children. Together they teach, develop, coach, and minister to the people of God across various platforms. They are locked and loaded with the Word of God with a deep passion to win lost souls, transform the minds of non-believers, and renew the strength of the broken-hearted. Under the direction of Bishop Dobbins's leadership, one can expect to grow spiritually, professionally, and financially within the Kingdom of God.

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Our Executive Board


Bishop D. Edward Penn, II
2nd Vice Bishop
Southern Diocese Bishop

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Learn more about Bishop D. Edward Penn, II

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Minister Sabrina A. Mackey, CPLC, MSW, LCSWA
Southern Diocese


Overseer Carlvin D. Jones
General Treasurer 
Overseer Adjutant

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Learn more about Overseer Carlvin D. Jones

Our Administrative Team

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Overseer Yvette S. Bright
General Secretary

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Learn more about Overseer Yvette S. Bright

UCODA 2023

OFFICE PHONE:      248-996-8407 / 248-327-6348

EMAIL:                          INFO@UCODAINC.ORG


OFFICE:                        17500 W. 8 MILE ROAD

                                         SOUTHFIELD, MI 48075

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